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30.06.2024 M'era Luna preview

Epica Intro

This year, I will break new ground and visit the M’era Luna for the first time. Already since 2000 the festival of the dark culture is taking place at Hildesheim on the airport and is besides the Wave-Gothik-Treffen at Leipzig one of the biggest of its kind. Also this year there will be up to 25000 people coming for sure when the big ones out of Gothic, electronic music, alternative, medieval-rock and other genres will play on the stages.

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30.06.2024 Bleed From Within, Trivium and Heaven Shall Burn at the Junkyard Dortmund

Bleed From Within Intro

Last year in August Heaven Shall Burn and Trivium went onto a continuation of their tour they had during the last winter. But despite to then, this time on the Summer Battles 2023 tour the smaller location were on their plan. At the Junkyard at Dortmund it took place in a great frame. In best junkyard atmosphere Bleed From Within was the opener. The Scots really had fun during their gig and so the spark directly leaped over to the audience.

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16.06.2024 Rosy Vista, John Diva And The Rockets Of Love and Red Hot Chili Pipers

Red Hot Chili Pipers Intro

Today, there is part 2 of the last and first concerts before and after the corona break. The last bands befor the pause were in November 2019 at the one hand the to me unknown Rosy Vista who were in the past already a quite well known female heavy metal combo, as well as the guys from John Diva And The Rockets Of Love that passed by the Turock at Essen during their "Mama Said Rock Is Dead" tour. It was a lively evening that was really fun.

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15.08.2023 Heaven Shall Burn at the Junkyard at Dortmund (D)

Heaven Shall Burn Intro

At 20:45 it finally was the time and Heaven Shall Burn entered the stage to the sounds of the intro “Awoken” from the 2008 released album “Iconoclast (Part I: The Final Resistance)”. When they were over it seamlessly went into “Endzeit” and with the first words sung the crowd in front of the stage directly started moving. Already during the winter they toured through the bigger venues together with Trivium and now they continued this during the Summer Battles Tour 2023 also in smaller locations. Due to that there was no big show on stage with fire and the usual hoo-ha but that was also not needed at all. The band on its own already put across so much energy that there was no limits in the audience and in such small locations where you are really close to what is going on the concert experience is anyhow much more intense.

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15.08.2023 Trivium at the Junkyard at Dortmund (D)

Trivium Intro

The sun was still shining brightly from the sky and so did the jacket of Matt Heafy. After the intro “X” of the album “In The Court Of The Dragon” faded out the identically named title song directly boomed from the stage. The backdrops and covers were just as colourful as the front man and he made straight clear that he was really bent on playing this evening. The tongue was again and again sticked out and permanently he swirled from one end of the stage to the other.

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15.08.2023 Bleed From Within at the Junkyard at Dortmund (D)

Bleed From Within Intro

After it had been quite changeable across the day it was getting sunny towards the evening and so the guys of the Scottish band Bleed From Within could enter the stage at best weather. The Junkyard provided a worthy setting for the upcoming hours due to its unusual setup of the location (everything outside was built from old containers and scrap). Because also Trivium and Heaven Shall Burn were on the agenda it unfortunately had to start very early at 18:15 in order to satisfy the noise protection requirements for the open-air concert.

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22.12.2013 Straubing Tigers - Krefeld Pinguine at the Ice Rink at the Pulverturm at Straubing (D)

Straubing Tigers - Krefeld Pinguine Intro

It was quite early when I had to get up because already at 5:30 more than 500 Krefeld Pinguine supporters had to gather at the Krefeld main station to start their long trip towards Straubing at 6:00. But this was gladly accepted and so the athmosphere was excellent on the way there.

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20.01.2013 Hamburg Freezers - Krefeld Pinguine at the O2 World at Hamburg (D)

Hamburg Freezers - Krefeld Pinguine Intro

Already very early on Saturday morning a bus started form Krefeld towards the hanseatic town to first visit the monuments and on Sunday the O2 World to hopefully take the three points back home. Because of Servus TV is broadcasting live on tv the first bully was delayed by one hour. Therefore they kindly showed the prepared choreography of the motto "Ballermann 6-undreissig". Especially for this many supporters came wearing shorts and t-shirts (kudos for this because it was extremely cold outside).

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09.03.2012 GEC Ritter Nordhorn - Romijnders Devils Nijmegen at the Ice Rink at Nordhorn (D)

GEC Ritter Nordhorn - Romijnder Devils Nijmegen Intro

The game was announced quite short-termed and so "only" 513 fans went to the Nordhorn Ice Rink. For the Ritter it should be the first test against an equal or even better opponent because no one else than the present champion of the Dutch 2nd division, the Romijnders Devils from Nijmegen were guest.

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24.04.2019 Zoo at Nordhorn

Zoo Nordhorn Intro

Shortly after Easter I made use of a stay at Nordhorn to take a look after many years to the meanwhile extremely redesigned zoo. The zoo is not only on German side very popular but due to the neighborhood to the German-Dutch borderline also at the bordering country.

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29.12.2018 Ice sculpture festival at Zwolle

Ice Sculpture Festival Zwolle Intro

Between Christmas and New Year, I made a short trip to the Dutch Zwolle were a really great ice sculpture festival took place. After some waiting time (overall nearly 90 minutes) you entered the ice cold hall.

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19.11.2015 Cuba

Cuba Intro

Our round-trip led us to the uprising Cuba. Each day a certain part of our route was passed via bike (2-5 hours a day where we made from 30km up to 60km). The rest was spent inside the escort vehicle. Without that it would not have been possible to make on some days trips of up to 180km.

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