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HammerFall Article

26.07.2013 Old friends and new faces: Wacken 2013

Next Wednesday the largest metal festival in the world will start: Wacken Open Air 2013! No matter what kind of weather there will be (it will be anyhow the usual lottery), everybody will party with well known persons and many new faces. It was until now the fastest sold-out in the Wacken history. Already after the announcement of Rammstein as headliner during last years fall a real run on the tickets started and everybody who received one can call himself a lucky one.


Highlight des Wacken 2013: Rammstein

But not only Rammstein will be there and heat up the athmosphere with their fiery show. Also doyen Alice Cooper will do the honor after already 2010 enthusing the masses. Further stars like Sabaton, Nightwish, Grave Digger or Doro will be there just like smaller bands. These are for me e.g. the biggest surprise of last years edition Santiano who could only be stopped from playing by turning the power supplies of. Otherwise the crowd would have partied along with them until mid of night. Of course also the wonderful Metal Battles may not be missing where newcomers around the world compete in with different genres of metal music.

The construction work is slowly coming to an end and just like the year before there are the three huge main stages (Black Metal, True Metal, Party Stage) as well as the Bullhead Tent for the smaller bands with two additional stages. Mideval sounds are played on the smaller stage at the Wackinger Village. There you can attend the mideval everydays life when there are spectacular shows and games where you can be part of take place.


Wieder mal zu Besuch: Alice Cooper

As you can see, there will be a lot of music and also apart from that many other things that you can enjoy. I am already now really enthused when thinking of the upcoming week. So we will meet at Wacken 2013: Rain or Shine!



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